Strategy for Wildly Successful Living

Embark on your true adventure and see what God will do!
True adventure awaits those who want closer intimacy and deepening alignment with God. Truventure was written for you because you were created for eternal significance. This is for those who want a straightforward way to apply strategy to what they care about most, their life and life's work. It's your life. Isn't it worth being strategic and intentional about?
“Voice to the marketplace community to come to Jesus”
Thomas Hale Academic Dean Embassy School of Leadership
“Fingerprints of God all over this”
“I am in awe of the fingerprints of God all over this. This book is amazing, what I’ve been longing for in my life. It is really helping me connect the dots in a lot of areas past and present.”
Shannon Meadows Allison
Supply Chain Executive
“A challenge to rethink how we personally relate to our world”
“Truventure is unique in content, delivery, and calling for a very personal response by the reader. That moves it from being a good read to a challenge to rethink how we personally relate to our world; our careers, and our God.”
Eric Hartlen
Business Executive & Pastor
A must-read, useful tool
It gives me much pleasure to endorse this excellent volume. It is a must-read useful tool for personally applying and for teaching the principles of “Truventure: Strategy for Wildly Successful Living”. The overarching purpose is integration of work with true Biblical faith. I strongly recommend both books for every practicing Christian leader.
Dr Ron Cottle
Founder, Christian Life School of Theology
“Powerful and key”
“This is a guide for executives and engineers. The material contained in the Appendix alone is worth the price. The Truth and Lies chapter is powerful and key.
The Quiet Time Diagrams and the Master Question lists are brilliant.”
Walt Wilson
Founder Global Media Outreach
“Concepts from objective truth to personalized truth”
“The issues identified are clear, well thought through, and personal enough to attract a personal response. I was delightfully stunned by the meticulous manner in which you use your personal experiences; this moves the concepts from objective truth to personalized truth.”
Eric Hartlen
Business Executive & Pastor
“An integrated love relationship with our Lord”
“Hearts for the Lord shine through in the pages. It is obvious you wish for readers to fall more deeply into an integrated love relationship with our Lord. That is always a great strategy.”
Gene Wood
Founder, Word4Asia
Author of several books
“Good vision”
The criterion for a good vision is golden.
Tom Waller
Founder Mentors Forum
CEO Summit Tea
“Personal––transparent and authentic personal stories”
“Passionate––your commitment and zeal for the content which led you to turn great theories into living truth are obvious and your sense of urgency behind this is amazing. Personal––transparent and authentic personal stories and examples of how you have fleshed out the Truventure over your adult lifetime are very helpful and potent.”
Dr. Ron Jenson
Co-founder & Chairman
Emeritus of Future Achievement International
Author of 24 books
“Expanded my view of the roles that God wants to play in my life”
“I love the creative use of the names for God. You certainly expanded my view of the roles that God wants to play in my life – incredibly so!”
Tim MacDonald
Co-founder Chrysalis
“Decisions based on a deeper relationship with our Lord”
“Making godly decisions/choices long before being tested, Truventure forces us to make these decisions based on a deeper relationship with our Lord and a deeper understanding of His direction for our lives. Truventure forces us to define our value system, which will determine who and what we aspire to be today and to become tomorrow.”
Terry Smith
Founder, Qore Analytics
So relevant and real!
This workbook brings excitement and practical reminders. It delivers deep insights in practical ways that can bring thriving success to any organization.
Christine Sepulveda
Director of Business Development, Pasteleria Cidrines
“Provides immeasurably greater stimulation to my spirit”
“You managed to write an eminently practical book with ample flexibility, avoiding rigidity, in personal application. Your book provides immeasurably greater stimulation to my spirit than the most potent espresso, to my brain. It came as a personal guidebook for my future. I want to extract every ounce of treasure this book holds for me in shaping my own Truventure!”
Kathy Ross
Co-founder, Reasons to Believe
Brilliant, a true masterpiece!
If you want to experience yourself in the way you were formed by the Master Creator, venture into this work of art with rigorous honesty, and get a deeper understanding of the true you.
Jeff Gowler
CEO, Global Media Outreach
Must read
This book is a must read for anyone wanting to be wildly successful and make a difference in and through their business.
John Hemken
CEO, A&M Manufacturing
“A unique book filling a much-needed void”
“An abundance of original thought and challenging insights; incredible! From the first chapter I could sense my interest growing as I am drawn to processes that have clear objectives and evidence critical thinking. The writing is clear and concise, complimented with visual examples. This is a unique book filling a much-needed void with something not available to us previously.”
Terry Smith
Founder Qore Analytics
“Better pursue what they are already doing”
“I believe your book will bring vision to many people who know there is something tugging at their heart that they are not yet able to articulate. They just know the irritation from the way they are living now and believe there is a better way, but not sure what that is or how to “get on the track” so to speak to search it out. For others, who are already on their journey, it will provide the tools and teachings on how to even better pursue what they are already doing. Your tools are very practical and easy to understand.”
Chris Gross
Founder, Gross Profit
“Tools here are extremely helpful, original, unique and instructive”
“This book is substantial and needed in the marketplace. No one has integrated biblical faith and business strategy this well. Outstanding, powerful and God centered. Authentic personal stories turn content into living truth. It is practical, easy to follow and implement. Your tools here are extremely helpful, original, unique and instructive. I believe this work is worth a great deal and of extreme eternal implications. God is up to something important here.”
Dr. Ron Jenson
Co-founder & Chairman
Emeritus of Future Achievement International
Author of 24 books
“God centered and Spirit-led”
“I really liked what I read. It was God-centered and Spirit-led. The concepts were simple and real. The questions were powerful. If you are motivated and serious about determining the right direction and strategy for your life, this book is a must-read.”
Steve Douglas
President, Cru
Author of numerous books
“Weaving together examples and stories to bring out key points”
“Truventure does a great job of weaving together examples and stories to bring out key points. I left the chapter on Strategic Intent––with the Caterpillar / Komatsu example and Daniel’s story––absolutely wanting to know my strategic intent.”
Tim MacDonald
Co-founder Chrysalis
“Powerful and heart stopping!”
“A healthy intolerance for actions that did not match what I believed––powerful and heart stopping!”
GeGe Showalter
Founder Giddy Up Gals
“Integrate family, work and Biblical principle into life”
I’ve lost count of how many times I have been asked to address an audience of Christian executives and engineers in Silicon Valley on the subject of integrating their work, life and family. Truventure answers this question. I believe there is a real market among Christians who can’t seem to integrate family, work and Biblical principle into life.
Walt Wilson
Founder Global Media Outreach
Preview Truventure
Strategy for Wildly Successful Living
Explore below for Previews & Free Downloads from Truventure's Newest Book!
Introduction to Truventure
Truventure: Strategy for Wildly Successful Living is the start of Your Truventure journey. The concepts in the book lay the groundwork for your future. I worked diligently for years applying strategy in the marketplace, why wouldn't I apply it to what I care about most?
Part 1: Prerequisite Principles
Prerequisite principles are the lens we need to accurately understand and apply Truventure - to accurately understand how to think about each topic and how to tractively apply each lifestyle.
"Spending time on strategy while holding––even subconsciously––to lies that my life, business, or ministry belong to me is scaling the wrong wall."
- Grace: Resting as a Lifestyle
- Lordship: A Lifestyle Yielded to my True Owner
- Mind & Spirit: A Lifestyle of a Branch in the Vine
- The True You: A Lifestyle Embracing the Truth About You

Part 2: Strategic Intentionality
Strategic intentionality makes the difference between meandering through life and purposefully aiming at being wildly successful per God's plan.
"Annual main thrusts tackle lack of progress head on. They resemble a fully committed military surge to take ground, advance, and keep taking ground until the desired objective is achieved."
- Personal Covenant with God: A Lifestyle of Deepening Surrender
- Strategic Intent: A Lifestyle Doing the Next Right Thing
- Core Principles: A Centered Lifestyle
- Annual Main Thrusts: A Lifestyle Taking Ground
- Select Lessons: A Lifestyle of Solid Evidence
- Quiet Times: A Lifestyle Processing Everything with Jesus

Part 3: Strategic Pyramid
The Strategic Pyramid captures everything essential to land a vision of the true me being wildly successful per His grand plan - on one page.
"My Strategic Pyramid employs a compass to point the right direction, and a map to identify the essential steps to get there - nothing more, nothing less."
Strategy on One Page: A Lifestyle for the Millennia
The Essentials: A Lifestyle Distilling Discovery
Wildly Successful: A Lifestyle Envisioning the Master's Rendering
Opportunity: A Lifestyle Seizing the Dream
Compelling Imperative: A Lifestyle Tethered to the Mind of Christ
Strategic Compass: A Lifestyle Knowing the Right Direction
Strategic Map: A Lifestyle Landing the Vision
Smart Pyramid: An Examined Lifestyle

Ready to Start Your Truventure?
"Truventure: Strategy for Wildly Successful Living" is the trailhead of the Truventure Journey!
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