After several months in the Norwegian wilderness, I returned to corporate life with a healthy distaste for going through the motions. I exchanged aimless meandering in the wilderness of mind-numbing corporate requirements with strategic intentionality through strategy on one page, my Strategic Pyramid.
The effectiveness of the Strategic Pyramid quickly moved me up the corporate ladder, but success in the marketplace created a personal crisis. A daunting question plagued me: If the marketplace is worthy of strategic effort, isn’t my life? I recalled arduous efforts required to land strategies and vision. The struggles I recalled only amplified the question, Why would I work that hard at developing and implementing strategy in the marketplace— and not in my own life?
As in the Norwegian wilderness, I spent time seeking the perspective of the One Who Knows. This time the question was, What is the picture of me being wildly successful? Frankly, I wasted days building up the courage to tackle the question. But as soon as I took the question to the Lover of my soul, His response alleviated what had felt so daunting. Developing
straightforward answers to strategic questions by spending protracted time with my Confidant became the modus operandi of my Truventure.
Once we determined the vision for my life and strategies to land that vision in my Strategic Pyramid, it also emerged as a grid to examine how to align each aspect of my life with each aspect of God’s truth. We focused on rigorously taking truths I claimed to believe deeper in me. Truventure became my retrospective sojourner’s guide of my pursuit to strategically align with my True Quest. Its insight and rigor stabilized my wobbly attempts to make my life count for eternity.
Carpe diem stratégique!