Book Testimonials
Brilliant, a true masterpiece!
If you want to experience yourself in the way you were formed by the Master Creator, venture into this work of art with rigorous honesty, and get a deeper understanding of the true you. Jeff Gowler CEO, Global Media Outreach
Read MoreA must-read, useful tool
It gives me much pleasure to endorse this excellent volume. It is a must-read useful tool for personally applying and for teaching the principles of “Truventure: Strategy for Wildly Successful Living”. The overarching purpose is integration of work with true Biblical faith. I strongly recommend both books for every practicing Christian leader. Dr Ron Cottle…
Read MoreMust read
This book is a must read for anyone wanting to be wildly successful and make a difference in and through their business. John Hemken CEO, A&M Manufacturing
Read MoreSo relevant and real!
This workbook brings excitement and practical reminders. It delivers deep insights in practical ways that can bring thriving success to any organization. Christine Sepulveda Director of Business Development, Pasteleria Cidrines
Read More“Better pursue what they are already doing”
“I believe your book will bring vision to many people who know there is something tugging at their heart that they are not yet able to articulate. They just know the irritation from the way they are living now and believe there is a better way, but not sure what that is or how to…
Read More“Provides immeasurably greater stimulation to my spirit”
“You managed to write an eminently practical book with ample flexibility, avoiding rigidity, in personal application. Your book provides immeasurably greater stimulation to my spirit than the most potent espresso, to my brain. It came as a personal guidebook for my future. I want to extract every ounce of treasure this book holds for me in…
Read More“Personal––transparent and authentic personal stories”
“Passionate––your commitment and zeal for the content which led you to turn great theories into living truth are obvious and your sense of urgency behind this is amazing. Personal––transparent and authentic personal stories and examples of how you have fleshed out the Truventure over your adult lifetime are very helpful and potent.” Dr. Ron Jenson…
Read More“Weaving together examples and stories to bring out key points”
“Truventure does a great job of weaving together examples and stories to bring out key points. I left the chapter on Strategic Intent––with the Caterpillar / Komatsu example and Daniel’s story––absolutely wanting to know my strategic intent.” Tim MacDonald Co-founder Chrysalis
Read More“Concepts from objective truth to personalized truth”
“The issues identified are clear, well thought through, and personal enough to attract a personal response. I was delightfully stunned by the meticulous manner in which you use your personal experiences; this moves the concepts from objective truth to personalized truth.” Eric Hartlen Business Executive & Pastor
Read More“Voice to the marketplace community to come to Jesus”
“This is not a Christian book and it’s not supposed to be. It’s an apostolic voice to the marketplace community to come to Jesus, a perfect tailoring of the gospel to an unbeliever in the marketplace.” Thomas Hale Academic Dean Embassy School of Leadership
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