Book Testimonials
“Expanded my view of the roles that God wants to play in my life”
“I love the creative use of the names for God. You certainly expanded my view of the roles that God wants to play in my life – incredibly so!” Tim MacDonald Co-founder Chrysalis
Read More“Powerful and heart stopping!”
“A healthy intolerance for actions that did not match what I believed––powerful and heart stopping!” GeGe Showalter Founder Giddy Up Gals
Read More“An integrated love relationship with our Lord”
“Hearts for the Lord shine through in the pages. It is obvious you wish for readers to fall more deeply into an integrated love relationship with our Lord. That is always a great strategy.” Gene Wood Founder, Word4Asia Author of several books
Read More“Fingerprints of God all over this”
“I am in awe of the fingerprints of God all over this. This book is amazing, what I’ve been longing for in my life. It is really helping me connect the dots in a lot of areas past and present.” Shannon Meadows Allison Supply Chain Executive
Read More“Decisions based on a deeper relationship with our Lord”
“Making godly decisions/choices long before being tested, Truventure forces us to make these decisions based on a deeper relationship with our Lord and a deeper understanding of His direction for our lives. Truventure forces us to define our value system, which will determine who and what we aspire to be today and to become tomorrow.”…
Read More“Integrate family, work and Biblical principle into life”
I’ve lost count of how many times I have been asked to address an audience of Christian executives and engineers in Silicon Valley on the subject of integrating their work, life and family. Truventure answers this question. I believe there is a real market among Christians who can’t seem to integrate family, work and Biblical…
Read More“Good vision”
The criterion for a good vision is golden. Tom Waller Founder Mentors Forum CEO Summit Tea
Read More“Tools here are extremely helpful, original, unique and instructive”
“This book is substantial and needed in the marketplace. No one has integrated biblical faith and business strategy this well. Outstanding, powerful and God centered. Authentic personal stories turn content into living truth. It is practical, easy to follow and implement. Your tools here are extremely helpful, original, unique and instructive. I believe this work…
Read More“A challenge to rethink how we personally relate to our world”
“Truventure is unique in content, delivery, and calling for a very personal response by the reader. That moves it from being a good read to a challenge to rethink how we personally relate to our world; our careers, and our God.” Eric Hartlen Business Executive & Pastor
Read More“Powerful and key”
“This is a guide for executives and engineers. The material contained in the Appendix alone is worth the price. The Truth and Lies chapter is powerful and key. The Quiet Time Diagrams and the Master Question lists are brilliant.” Walt Wilson Founder Global Media Outreach
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